1) Keynote Lectures (Invited)
Contribution of surface phonon polaritons to radiative heat | |
Jean-Jacques Greffet |
2) General Papers
Spatial Solitons in Periodic Nano-Structures | |
Andrey Gorbach |
Pattern formation, dissipative localized structures and spectral narrowing of amplified surface plasmons near the lasing threshold | |
Andrey Gorbach, Dmitry Skryabin, Andrea Marini, Anatoly Zayats |
Investigation of magneto-dielectric thin films as substrate for high | |
François GRANGE, Christophe DELAVEAUD, Kouroch MAHDJOUBI |
Antennas and Filters Based on EBG with Hollow Defects | |
Irina Khromova, Ramón Gonzalo, Iñigo Ederra, Karu Esselle |
Control of Photonic Crystal coupled cavities | |
Silvia Vignolini, Francesca Intonti, Francesco Riboli, Diederik Sybolt Wiersma, Laurent Balet, Lianhe H. Li, Marco Francardi, Annamaria Gerardino, Andrea Fiore, Massimo Gurioli |
Near-Field Scattering by Nanoparticles with Unconventional Scattering Properties | |
Braulio García-Cámara, Andreas Kern, Fernando Moreno, Francisco González, Olivier Martin |
Mapping nanoscale optical fields with single-photon sensitivity | |
David Bitauld, Francesco Marsili, Alessandro Gaggero, Francesco Mattioli, Roberto Leoni, Saedeeh Jahanmiri Nejad, Andrea Fiore |
Tunable metamaterials: structural approach | |
Mikhail Lapine, David A. Powell, Ilya V. Shadrivov, Maxim Gorkunov, Ricardo Marques, Yuri S. Kivshar |
Light Scattering by an Array of Nanoparticles with Electric and Magnetic Properties | |
Braulio García-Cámara, Fernando Moreno, Francisco González, Olivier Martin |
Design of metamaterials with predetermined optical properties for broadband applications | |
Anatolii V Goncharenko, Kuan-Ren Chen |
Surface Plasmon interference at metallic surfaces with sub- defects | |
Raul Garcia-Llamas, Jorge Gaspar-Armenta |
Light transport in disordered rod-type metamaterials | |
didier felbacq, Kevin vynck, Brahim Guizal |
Analytical methods for AMC and EBG characterisations | |
Michaël Grelier, Fabrice Linot, Anne Claire Lepage, Xavier Begaud, Michel Soiron, Jean Marc LeMener |
Tuning of DNG Metamaterial Superstrate for Small and beam steering Antenna | |
hafid griguer |
Investigation of coupling length in a semi-cylindrical surface plasmonic coupler | |
Pouya Dastmalchi, Nosrat Granpayeh, Majid Rasooli |
3) Analytical methods in theoretical description of metamaterials & plasmonics; A. Chipouline, A. Sarychev, I. Gabitov
Confined modes of self-standing and supported particle arrays | |
Xesus Manoel Bendana Sueiro, Francisco Javier García de Abajo |
5) Active Photonic Crystal Systems: Engineering the Thermal Emision and Radiative Relaxation in Quantum Dots; I. El-Kady
Enhanced quantum dot emission in a unidirectional photonic crystal waveguide | |
Samuel James Dewhurst, Daniel Granados, David J P Ellis, Anthony J Bennett, Raj B Patel, Ian Farrer, David Anderson, Geb A C Jones, David A Ritchie, Andrew J Shields |
Strongly dispersive Anderson localization in disordered photonic crystal waveguide | |
Pedro David Garcia, Stephan Smolka, Peter Lodahl |
Optical absorption and SHG in PMMA and SiO2-matrices doped with DO3 | |
Jorge A Garcia-Macedo, Alfredo Franco, Guadalupe Valverde-Aguilar, Laura Romero |
6) Metamaterial Applications: Devices for the Real World; I. El-Kady
Design and optimization of novel optical low pass filters of a 1D-photonic crystal using TiO2/ SiO2 thin films | |
Ehab M. Abdel-Rahman, Khaled A. Beshr, Rami Ghannam, Amr M. Shaarawi |
Design of an infrared shield device based on 1D photonic crystal | |
Ehab M. Abdel-Rahman, Khaled A. Beshr, Rami Ghannam, Amr M. Shaarawi |
7) Design Methodology and Fabrication Concepts for 3D IR to Visible Metamaterials; I. El-Kady
Scalable cylindrical metallodielectric metamaterials | |
Nick Gibbons, Jeremy Baumberg, Fumin Huang, Mathias Kolle, Ullrich Steiner |
Disorder in optical metamaterial made of nanospiral of silver | |
geraldine renee guida, Bruno Maurice Gallas, Redha Mohamed Abdeddaim, Alain Priou, Kevin Robbie |
Design and fabrication of modulable metamaterial stacks | |
Denis Garoli, Giuseppe Parisi, Marco Natali, Filippo Romanato |
8) Coherent Phenomena in Plasmonics and Metamaterials; S. Maier
Coherent processes in 3D optical metamaterials and metallic photonic crystals | |
Harald Giessen, Na Liu, Tobias Utikal, Michael Geiselmann, Markus Lippitz |
9) Applications of Metamaterial Concepts to Microwave Engineering; F. Martin
Planar Superstrate for Dual-frequency RHCP-LHCP Array | |
Eduardo Ugarte-Muñoz, Francisco Javier Herraiz-Martínez, Javier Montero-de-Paz, Luis Enrique García-Muñoz, Daniel Segovia-Vargas |
Design of tapered 1D leaky- waveguides using FSS and HIS for synthesis of radiation diagrams and focusing patterns | |
10) Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Electromagnetic Properties of Metamaterials; A. Vinogradov
Probing surface-plasmon modes in noble metal nanoparticles using an electron beam | |
Viktor Myroshnychenko, Jaysen Nelayah, Mathieu Kociak, Odile Stéphan, Christian Colliex, Giorgio Adamo, Kevin MacDonald, Nikolay I. Zheludev, Jessica Rodríguez-Fernandez, Enrique Carbó-Argibay, Isabel Pastoriza-Santos, Jorge Pérez-Juste, Luis M. Liz-Marzán, Javier F. García de Abajo |
Cross-Section Measurements of a Metamaterial Cloak Based on Transformation Optics | |
Nathan Brion Kundtz, Daniel Gaultney, David R Smith |
11) Wideband Applications of Metamaterials; X. Begaud
Wideband quasi-EBG reflector’s antenna for low profile applications | |
Michaël Grelier, Michel Jousset, Stéphane Mallégol, Anne Claire Lepage, Xavier Begaud, Jean Marc LeMener |
Enhancing the bandwidth of coaxial aperture arrays in the radar frequencies | |
Samuel NOSAL, Paul Soudais, Jean-Jacques Greffet |
12) Interesting phenomena and applications of metamaterials and plasmonics; S. He
Point sources for exciting surface plasmons in planar surfaces: inhomogeneous fields for broadening the wave vector spectrum | |
Felipe Ramos-Mendieta, Jorge Alberto Gaspar-Armenta, Luis Angel Mayoral-Astorga |
Photonic Tamm structures utilizing Au sponges: fabrication and optical responses | |
Kohei Kawasaki, Alexander Baryshev, Taichi Goto, Mitsuteru Inoue |
Polarization-sensitive Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering | |
Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi, Francesco Bonaccorso, Manuel Lopes, Dominique Barchiesi, Regis Déturche, Marc Lamy de La Chapelle, Alexandre Merlen, Jean - Christophe Valmalette, Gennaro Picardi, Alexandre Frigout, Razvigor Ossikovski |
Strongly polarized emission in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of randomly distributed molecules on gold nanowires | |
B Fazio, P. G. Gucciardi, F. Bonaccorso, C. Vasi, M. Allegrini, A. Toma, D. Chiappe, F. Buatier de Mongeot |
Plasmon enhanced optical trapping of metal nanoparticles: scaling laws and light-driven rotations | |
Onofrio M Marago', Rosalba Saija, Ferdinando Borghese, Paolo Denti, Maria Antonia Iati', Philip Hugh Jones, Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi |
Plasmon enhanced optical trapping in the T-matrix formalism | |
Rosalba Saija, Ferdinando Borghese, Paolo Denti, Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi, Maria Antonia Iati', Onofrio M Marago' |
Photoconductivity studies on amorphous and crystalline TiO2 films doped with gold nanoparticles | |
Guadalupe Valverde-Aguilar, Jorge A Garcia-Macedo, Pablo Galván-Ramírez |
Fabrication of membranes for extraordinary optical transmission | |
gabriele zacco, Tommaso Ongarello, Gianluca Ruffato, Denis Garoli, H.K. Kang, Mauro Prasciolu, Marco Natali, filippo romanato |
13) THz and Optical Plasmonic Waveguides and Antennas; T. Akalin
Coupling of gap plasmons in multi-wire waveguides | |
Alejandro Manjavacas, F. Javier Garcia de Abajo |
Terahertz Semiconductor Plasmonics | |
Jaime Gomez Rivas |