2) General Papers
Thin-film sensing using circular split-ring resonators at mm-wave frequencies | |
Amna Elhawil, Johan Stiens, Cathleen De Tandt, Willy Ranson, Roger Vounckx |
Investigation of backward-wave propagation on LHM Split Ring Resonators | |
hakeim talleb, Zine Edinne Djeffal, David Lautru, Victor Fouad Hanna |
Electromagnetic wave diffraction by array of complex-shaped metal elements placed on magnetized ferrite slab | |
Sergey Prosvirnin, Victor Dmitriev |
Investigation of magneto-dielectric thin films as substrate for high | |
François GRANGE, Christophe DELAVEAUD, Kouroch MAHDJOUBI |
Experiments on an ultrathin metamaterial with extraordinary low transmission in the visible range | |
Sabine Dobmann, Daniel Ploss, Peter Banzer, Ulf Peschel |
Hybrid biosignal-based filters for metamaterials spectral analysis | |
Ieva Sliesoraityte, Eugene Fedorov, Ruta Dubakiene, Viktorija Sliesoraitiene |
Progress in Metal-Dielectric Composite Superlenses | |
Mark D. Thoreson, Jieran Fang, Zhengtong Liu, Vladimir P. Drachev, Alexander V. Kildishev, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Alexandra E. Boltasseva |
A single-layer broad-angle negative-index metamaterial for the visible | |
Rene de Waele, Stanley P Burgos, Harry A. Atwater, Albert Polman |
Tuned Trapped Mode on an Asymmetric Planar Metamaterial | |
Abdelwaheb OURIR, Redha Abdeddaim, Julien de Rosny |
Multiband Small Zeroth-Order Metamaterial Antenna | |
Nabil DAKHLI |
A novel subwavelength plasmon polariton optical filter based on tilted coupled structures | |
Lorena Orsoni Diniz, Euclydes Marega, Jr., Ben-Hur Viana Borges |
GaAs based high speed optical modulator using surface plasmon resonance | |
Arnaud Stolz, Elhadj Dogheche, Didier Decoster |
Investigation of coupling length in a semi-cylindrical surface plasmonic coupler | |
Pouya Dastmalchi, Nosrat Granpayeh, Majid Rasooli |
Optical and structural properties of Au-Ag islands films for plasmonic applications | |
Jordi Sancho-Parramon, Vesna Janicki, Martin Lončarić, Hrvoje Zorc, Pavo Dubček, Sigrid Bernstorff |
3) Analytical methods in theoretical description of metamaterials & plasmonics; A. Chipouline, A. Sarychev, I. Gabitov
Electromagnetic waves refraction on the interface of transparent with absorptive right or left-handed media | |
Alexander V Korovin, Nicolas L Dmitruk |
4) Phononic Crystals and Metamaterials; I. El-Kady
Band gap engineering in phononic crystal slabs | |
bahram djafari rouhani |
5) Active Photonic Crystal Systems: Engineering the Thermal Emision and Radiative Relaxation in Quantum Dots; I. El-Kady
Enhanced quantum dot emission in a unidirectional photonic crystal waveguide | |
Samuel James Dewhurst, Daniel Granados, David J P Ellis, Anthony J Bennett, Raj B Patel, Ian Farrer, David Anderson, Geb A C Jones, David A Ritchie, Andrew J Shields |
Zero-Reflection Metal Slabs: A Mechanism of Light Tunneling in Matematerials | |
Qianggui Du, Haitao Jiang, Zhanshan Wang, hong chen |
Gold film-terminated 3-dimensional photonic crystals | |
Boyang Ding, Martyn Pemble, Alexander Korovin, Ulf Peschel, Sergei G Romanov |
6) Metamaterial Applications: Devices for the Real World; I. El-Kady
Steerable Vivaldi antenna Using Tunable Metamaterial | |
Redha Abdeddaim, Abdelwaheb OURIR, Julien de Rosny |
Capacity Sensor for Belt Conveyor Systems Based on Planar Metamaterials | |
Margarita Puentes Vargas, Martin Schüßler, Christian Damm, Andreas Penirschke, Rolf Jakoby |
7) Design Methodology and Fabrication Concepts for 3D IR to Visible Metamaterials; I. El-Kady
The effect of titanium adhesion layers on the optical response of split ring resonators | |
Basudev Lahiri, Rafal Dylewicz, Scott G McMeekin, Richard M De La Rue, Nigel P Johnson |
8) Coherent Phenomena in Plasmonics and Metamaterials; S. Maier
Amorphous plasmonic metamaterial – coherent neighbor interaction | |
Jens Dorfmüller, Worawut Khunsin, Ralf Vogelgesang, Carsten Rockstuhl, Alexandre Dmitriev, Falk Lederer, Klaus Kern |
Second Harmonic Generation from a single gold nanoparticle | |
Jeremy Butet, Julien Duboisset, Guillaume Bachelier, Isabelle Russier-Antoine, Emmanuel Benichou, Christian Jonin, Pierre-François Brevet |
9) Applications of Metamaterial Concepts to Microwave Engineering; F. Martin
Differential Transmission Line Sensor Based on Metamaterials | |
Christian Damm, Martin Schüßler, Margarita Puentes, Holger Maune, Matthias Maasch, Rolf Jakoby |
Compact cavity resonators using high impedance surfaces | |
Dragos Dancila, Xavier Rottenberg, Harrie A.C. Tilmans, Walter de Raedt, Isabelle Huynen |
10) Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Electromagnetic Properties of Metamaterials; A. Vinogradov
Electromagnetic Field Distributions Modified by Composite Structures Containing Single Negative Metamaterials | |
Yunhui Li, Yaqiong Ding, Tuanhui Feng, Haitao Jiang, Hong Chen |
Anderson localization in disordered dispersive metamaterials | |
Dmitri Mogilevtsev, Felipe Arruda de Araujo Pinheiro, Raimundo Rocha dos Santos, Solange Bessa Cavalcanti, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira |
Rigorous surface polarizability models for oblique incidence on metamaterial mono-layers | |
Alexandros I. Dimitriadis, Dimitrios L. Sounas, Nikolaos V. Kantartzis, Theodoros D. Tsiboukis |
11) Wideband Applications of Metamaterials; X. Begaud
Broadband filters based on OSRR and OCSRR balanced composite right/left handed transmission lines | |
Miguel Durán-Sindreu, Adolfo Vélez, Jordi Bonache, Ferran Martín |
12) Interesting phenomena and applications of metamaterials and plasmonics; S. He
One-dimensional photonic superlattices containing a metamaterial: electric/magnetic plasmon polaritons and absorption effects | |
D. Mogilevtsev, E. Reyes-Gómez, S. B. Cavalcanti, C. A. A. de Carvalho, Luiz E. Oliveira |
Photorealistic depictions of Maxwell’s Fish Eye and other gradient index metamaterials-based objects | |
Aaron J. Danner, Ning Xiang |
Polarization-sensitive Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering | |
Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi, Francesco Bonaccorso, Manuel Lopes, Dominique Barchiesi, Regis Déturche, Marc Lamy de La Chapelle, Alexandre Merlen, Jean - Christophe Valmalette, Gennaro Picardi, Alexandre Frigout, Razvigor Ossikovski |
Palladium sub-wavelength hole arrays for hydrogen sensing | |
Etsuo Maeda, Sho Mikuriya, Masaki Shuzo, Ichiro Yamada, Jean-Jacques Delaunay |
Crystallographic-oriented metal nanowires on semiconductor surface: technology and modelling | |
Nicholas L Dmitruk |
Plasmon enhanced optical trapping of metal nanoparticles: scaling laws and light-driven rotations | |
Onofrio M Marago', Rosalba Saija, Ferdinando Borghese, Paolo Denti, Maria Antonia Iati', Philip Hugh Jones, Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi |
Plasmon enhanced optical trapping in the T-matrix formalism | |
Rosalba Saija, Ferdinando Borghese, Paolo Denti, Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi, Maria Antonia Iati', Onofrio M Marago' |
Influence of medium nonlinearity on surface plasmon resonance in copper-silica nanocomposite | |
Igor Dmitruk, Ivan Blonskyy, Ihor Pavlov, Oleg Yeshchenko, Alexandr Alexeenko, Andriy Dmytruk, Petro Korenyuk, Viktor Kadan |
Optical properties of plasmonic crystal based on 1D array gold nanowires with dielectric core | |
Mariya V Sosnova, Alexander V Korovin, Serg V Mamykin, Nicolas L Dmitruk |
Sensitivity considerations on plasmonic nanostructures coated with thin oxide films: Experimental and theoretical considerations | |
bahram djafari rouhani |
13) THz and Optical Plasmonic Waveguides and Antennas; T. Akalin
Nanoscale plasmonic waveguides with cavities for filtering and demultiplexing of the telecommunication and visible wavelengths | |
bahram djafari rouhani |
Numerical Analysis of Band-Gap Crystals for THz Transmission | |
Elif Degirmenci, Pascal Landais |